Our motivations

In order to provide a modern architectural education which fits Taiwan, our department not only planned a diversified and convertible mechanism, but also integrated the training of practical skills and academic knowledge to make students appreciate the interaction between architecture and social environment, and then trigger their motivations to learn the relevant professionalism.

Our goal is to develop a diversified, operational, and competitive education, to renew technical and vocational education with the domestic technology industry needs and future development objectives, and to cultivate versatile and high-quality vocational talents to ensure the stable industry development and enhance our technology competitiveness in the international area.

Our department has devoted to the architectural education for many years. We already made achievements in curriculum design, learning environment and architectural-related field research over the years. The faculty is composed of 13 full-time teachers, 7 professors, 3 associate professors and 3 assistant professors. Undergraduate design course has become the core curriculum of the department. We provide a small-group teaching session for individual guidance and group teaching, so our department commissions a number of teachers with creative theory and practical experience. Our department has strong faculty on both research and teaching so that we could cope with the development of new technology, apply to architectural design professional, and renew the teaching and research field.

To expand students’ international perspective, there are some exchange programs to study abroad and to introduce foreign students. Exchange students can study one school year overseas to achieve the real significance of bilateral exchange. Our department also employs short-term project faculty, and about three foreign teachers come to Taiwan to teach each year. Our department started the international cooperation and exchanged with California Polytechnic State University at Pomona in 1996. Our department has already signed up with many architecture-related foreign universities, and students exchange will continue. Our department will sign the contracts with 1-2 additional universities for exchanging teachers and students in the next three years. Long-term goal is to reach exchange average of 5% of the total number of students per year. The undergraduate exchange students mainly visit Chinese regions or English-speaking countries, graduate students will go to Europe and Japan.

NTUST has set the early graduation standard and admission system, as well as the performance of 333-project to provide excellent students with different channels of entry and graduation. In 2007, our department accounted for two-fifths students of the total number in the performance of 333-project which shows that curriculum planning and students counseling are quite natural.


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