Position Announcement
Dean, College of Design
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) invites applications and nominations for the position of Dean of its College of Design.
The new Dean will be appointed for a three-year term, starting on August 1, 2016, and will be eligible for reappointment to an additional three-year term.
Qualified candidates will have expertise in design related areas and experience sufficient to merit appointment at the rank of Full Professor.
Nominations and applications should be sent by email, fax, or regular mail, before March 22, 2016, to:
Relative information: http://dcollege.ntust.edu.tw/files/14-1067-34220,r491-1.php?Lang=en
Dean Search Committee
College of Design
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
43, Section 4, Keelung Road, Taipei, Taiwan 10607
Tel: +886-2-27376432
E-mail: design@mail.ntust.edu.tw