Lucky Shin-Jyun Tsaih

Associate Professor Lucky Shin-Jyun Tsaih

  • Ph.D. University of Florida
  • DGNB International Consultant & Trainer for Module 4
  • Visiting Scholar at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London
  • M.A., Audio and Acoustics, Peabody Conservatory of Music, the Johns Hopkins University
  • M.M., Trombone Performance, the Manhattan School of Music
  • B.M. Trombone Performance, Peabody Conservatory of Music, the Johns Hopkins University


Research Areas

  • Architecture Acoustics
  • Architecture and Built Environment Control
  • Sustainable Design and Decision Making
  • Behavioral & Perception in Built Environments


Courses Taught

Graduate (EMI)

  • Architectural Soundscape
  • Urban Soundscape
  • Noise and Vibration Control in Buildings
  • Green Building Rating Systems
  • Green Cultural Facilities
  • Transformation Trends for Urban Concepts of Sustainability
  • Environmental Preservation and Sustainable Development
  • Water and the Built Environment
  • Environmental Design Thinking for Wellbeing
  • Architectural Innovation
  • Case studies on BIM implementation
  • Digital Design and Fabrication
  • Tectonics of Building Envelopes
  • Building Envelope Performance and Assessment


  • Mathematics and Physics in Architecture (EMI)
  • Architecture Design (3、4、7、8)
  • Environmental Control 1 (EMI)

Special Topic

  • Urban Heat Island
  • Thinking Architecture / Peter Zumthor
  • Building Façade Typology
  • Application of Drones in Architecture
  • Wind Comfort & Mapping




  • Giang Thi Ngoc, N., Tsaih, L. S. J., Chen, J. C. P., Tamariska, S. R., Coelho, A. M. F., & Kung, H. Y. (2024). Balcony usage as a space to achieve human well-being during pandemic COVID-19. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 1–13.
  • Huang, J., & Tsaih, L. S. J. (2022). Exploring potential impacts for early involvement of interior design in the early land development stage – Studying Taiwan Cosmos Group’s hotel development. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 22(2), 452–460.
  • Juan, S. I., & Tsaih, L. S. J. (2021). Exploring views on design and service factors for improving housing development green space quality in Taiwan. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 21(5), 1926–1941.
  • Huang, H. T., & Tsaih, L. S. J. (2021). Prioritizing hotel lobby design factors: perspectives of hotel operators in China. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 21(5), 1801–1813.
  • Lin, C. C., Tsaih, L. S. J., Perng, Y. H., & Chiang, T. Y. (2021). CIB – Utility based systems framework for existing residential building. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 21(3), 755–765.
  • Chen, J. C. P., Tsaih, L. S. J., & Li, Y. F. (2019). Exploring views on communal amenities and well-being in housing for seniors in Taiwan. Building Research & Information, 48(3), 239–253.

(Conference Proceedings & Critiques)

  • Juan, S.I. and Tsaih, L.S.* (2021) Building acoustics development in Taiwan. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 43, 015001, DOI: 10.1121/2.0001423
  • Chen, Y.C.* and Tsaih, L.S. (2021) Simulated acoustic characteristics of stage displacements in a shoebox hall: the Cultural Centre Concert Hall in Taipei. Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics, 42, 015004, DOI: 10.1121/2.0001419
  • Lin, C.C., Chen, J.C., and Tsaih, L.S.* (2019). Enquiry of Reconstruction for Old and Dilapidated Buildings in Taiwan. Architecture Science, 20. DOI:10.3966/221915772019120020001.
  • Huang, H.T., Chen, J.C., and Tsaih, L.S.* (2019). Preferred criteria in winning budget hotel interior design projects in China. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 652 (1). DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/652/1/012007.
  • Hsiao, J.S., Chen, J.C. and Tsaih, L.S.* (2019). Implementation of Certified Intelligent Building in Taiwan. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 652 (1). DOI: 10.1088/1757-899x/652/1/012006.
  • Chen, J.C., Tsaih, L.S.*, Bahuraksa, C.C., Yen, Y.T., Mimosa, A., and Kathryn, E. (2018). Taipei MRT Cabin Soundscape: Route Between Shandao Temple and Taipei Main Station. ASME 2018 Noise Control and Acoustics Division Session presented at INTERNOISE 2018, NCAD2018-6146, V001T01A012; 5 pages. DOI:10.1115/NCAD2018-6146.
  • Lu, T.J.*, and Tsaih, L.S. (2018). Study on Comparing Tensile Adhesion Strength of Exterior Wall Tile with Pressure Application and Impacting Tool Placing Methods. Architecture Science, 17, 1-8. DOI: 10.3966/221915772018060017001.
  • Yang, T.F.*, Tsaih, L.S., and Chen, J.C. (2018). A DHP Approach for Selecting Renovation Contractor: A Case Study of Taipei 101. Architecture Science, 18, 13-27. DOI: 10.3966/221915772018120018002.
  • Chen, M.A.*, and Tsaih, L.S. (2018). An Approach for Upgrading the Traceability of Construction Supply Chain in Taiwan. Architecture Science, 18, 1-11. DOI: 10.3966/221915772018120018001.
  • Wiratha, M.S.*, and Tsaih, L.S. (2015). Acoustic comfort in long-term care facilities based on listening impressions from normal hearing individuals. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust., 25, 015003. DOI: 10.1121/2.0000133.
  • Tedja, Y.W.*, and Tsaih, L.S. (2015). Water soundscape and listening impression. Proc. Mtgs. Acoust., 25, 040001. DOI: 10.1121/2.0000120.
  • 蔡欣君。表演廳堂的建築聲學設計考量:北藝與高流的聲學挑戰。台灣建築,第317期,76-77頁。111年2月號。

(Abstract Presented in Conference)

  • Shiang-I Juan, Lucky S. Tsaih; An overview of green roof acoustic performance. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 March 2024; 155 (3_Supplement): A283.
  • Roxana Ghadiri, Shiang-I Juan, Stijn Zeger van Brug, Nikita Grace Manullang, Juliana Manuela Muet, Tuan Sanh Diep, Khaing Thinzar, Ni Made Putri Indriyani, Phoa Angela Grace Wibowo, Gabriela Niederberge, Clarissa Averina, Chau N. Truong, Lucky S. Tsaih; Taipei performing arts center surrounding soundscape study and its application. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 March 2024; 155 (3_Supplement): A115.
  • Khaing Thinzar, Phoa Angela Grace Wibowo, Ni Made Putri Indriyani, Nikita Grace Manullang, Roxana Ghadiri, Stijn Zeger van Brug, Juliana Manuela Muet, Tuan Sanh Diep, Clarissa Averina, Chau N. Truong, Gabriela Niederberge, Shiang-I Juan, Lucky S. Tsaih; Sandiaoling eco-friendly tunnel soundscape and virtual reality analysis. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 March 2024; 155 (3_Supplement): A176.
  • Shiang-I Juan, ChihHsuan Chen, Quynh X. Dinh, Kevin Harsono, Evan Hezekiah, Mahad Moussa Houssein, Fatma Kayatekin, Stirena Rossy Tamariska, Felicia Wagiri, Hao-Chun Yang, Lucky Tsaih; Soundscape of Sandiaoling Ecological Tunnel. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2023; 154 (4_supplement): A313.
  • Stirena R. Tamariska, Lucky Tsaih, Martin Clinton T. Manullang; Demonstration of colored noise on brainwave activity during reading tasks: An electroencephalogram study. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2023; 154 (4_supplement): A102.
  • ChihHsuan Chen, Lucky Tsaih; Urban Soundscape: White-vented Myna choruses on Zhongqing road. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2023; 154 (4_supplement): A230.
  • Jennifer Tantra, Shiang-I Juan, Lucky S. Tsaih, Wei-Hwa Chiang; Relaxation response with gentle stream sound: A study using brainwave. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2022; 151 (4_Supplement): A72.
  • Hsin-Hui Wang, Yi-Hsuan Tang, Lucky S. Tsaih, Julie Chia-Ping Chen, Chien-Hung Lin, Hui-Lan Chen; Impact of sound intervention on patient wellbeing during pediatric peritoneal dialysis. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2022; 151 (4_Supplement): A71.
  • Yi-Hsuan Tang, Julie Chia-Ping Chen, Lucky S. Tsaih, Hsin-Hui Wang, Chien-Hung Lin, Hui-Lan Chen; Acoustic comfort in pediatric noninvasive exam: A study of bedside renal sonography for children. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 April 2022; 151 (4_Supplement): A71.
  • Lucky S. Tsaih, Yi-Ting Kuo; Longshan Temple soundscape. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 1 October 2019; 146 (4_Supplement): 2981.


Build Better Buildings (BBB) Lab Thesis and Dissertation:

  1. Yi-Jou Yeh. Analyzing Design Elements of Award-Winning International Student Architecture Competitions Using Google Cloud Vision API. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2024.
  2. Pao-Ting Liu. The Impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Architectural Design and Education: A Qualitative Study of Perspectives from Architectural Practice and Teacher-Student Dyads. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2024.
  3. Mahad Moussa Houssein. Fostering Sustainability through Urban Design Interventions in Street Vending Spaces: A Comprehensive Case Study of Waaheen Market in Hargeisa City. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2024.
  4. Lydia Cindy Sammy. An Overview of Sustainable Drainage Design Strategies for Enhancing Saint Lucia’s Emerging Hotel Industry. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2024.
  5. Chih-Hsuan Chen. Urban Soundscape: White-vented Myna Choruses on Zhongqing Road. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2023.
  6. Sophia Budiarjo. Assessment of Photovoltaic Installation Potential for the Residential Housing of 20 Major Cities in Indonesia. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2023.
  7. Chieh Lo. Post COVID-19 Aquarium Design Speculation. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  8. Danara Selvina. Revitalization of Industrial Buildings: Design Suggestion of the Bromley Factory. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  9. Zong-Han Wu. Using KANO two-dimensional quality model to investigate office shared space design strategies development in the post-pandemic era. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  10. Jui-Fang Hsu. Investigation on Participating the Intergenerational Co-Living Community in Taipei Metropolitan Area: re-use a vacant elementary school. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  11. Albert Shoulette. Rethinking traditional St. Lucian housing envelope design to withstand hurricane winds while maintaining architectural integrity. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  12. Jennifer. Relaxation State with Gentle Stream Sound: A Study Using Brainwave. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  13. Kay Kalonica. Window Views Effects on Stroop Test for Task Engagement Speed: A Study Using Brainwave. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  14. Yu-Cheng Chang. Experience Architecture Through Photography Art from A Distance. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2022.
  15. Hung-Yi Chen. Exploring the music performance space and stage mode – case study based on EZ5 Live House. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021.
  16. Vanessa Prawira. Shilin Night Market: Soundscape and Visitors’ Auditory Impression. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021.
  17. Maria Monica Sumoprayogo. Architectural Features and Acoustics of the Holy Family Catholic Church in Taipei, Taiwan. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021.
  18. Gabriella Maria. Evaluating Emotional Responses to the Visual Stimuli of NTUST Dormitories Design: A Study Using Brainwave. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021.
  19. Chun-Tung Wu. Effectiveness of the sustainable preservation policy “dwell and care” implementation at New Huangpu Military Village. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021.
  20. Ching-Chi Lin. CIB – UTILITY BASED SYSTEMS FRAMEWORK FOR EXISTING RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  21. Hsin-Yu Lai. Generative Design of Surround Vineyard Concert Hall for Early Stages of Architecture. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021. (Co-advisor: Wei-Hwa Chiang).
  22. Shiang-I Juan. Exploring views on design and service factors for improving housing development green space quality in Taiwan. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  23. HWAI-TE HUANG. Prioritizing hotel lobby design factors: International consensus and design agencies, Perspective of Hotel Operators in China. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2021. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  24. Hao-Cheng Huang. Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Green Commercial Space Design: Using a Garden Café as an Example. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  25. Hsiang-Hsun Huang. Critical Factors for Purchasing Compact Apartments in Densified Urban Area. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  26. Yu-Fa Chiu. SYSTEMATIC APPROACH FOR SUSTAINABLE REFURBISHMENT OF INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).
  27. Chien-Chien Chu. SUSTAINABLE APPROACH FOR A GOLF COUNTRY CLUB RENOVATION. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020. (Co-advisor: Yeng-Horng Perng).。Ursula
  28. Ursula Sarita Canadarma. Adaptation of Avian Feathers and Their Colouration as Building Envelope in Tropical Climate. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020.
  29. Kurt A. Pollock. Modular Sustainable Housing Design in Developing Eastern Caribbean Region – Saint Kitts and Nevis. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2020.
  30. Ting-yu Yu. Soundscape study of Taipei Songshan Airport. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2019.
  31. Julie Chia-Ping. Exploring Views on Housing Communal Amenities for Elderly Well-being in Taiwan. Doctoral Dissertation. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2019.
  32. Anastasia Mimosa. Acoustic Responses of Eight Cymatic Patterns as Recital Hall Diffusers. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2019.
  33. Pandu Dewata Tedja Buana. Acoustic Responses and Listening Impression of Six Roof Shapes in a Music Practice Space: A Case Study of Jazz Campus at Basel, Switzerland. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2019.
  34. Elisabeth Kathryn. Phyllotaxis High-rise Building Typology and Its Application as Singapore Urban Farming. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2019.
  35. Chia-Fen Lee. Architectural Styles and Acoustics of the Representing Taiwanese Churches in A.D. 1850-1960: The Case Studies of Tainan Theological College and Seminary Chapel and Wanchin Basilica of the Immaculate Conception. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  36. Fang-yu Liu. Thermal comfort and energy demands of the elevated BR12 MRT station in Taipei. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  37. Po-Chien Hsiao. Sound transmission loss characteristics for seven load-bearing lightweight calcium silicate partitions. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  38. Yu-Tien Yen. The Soundscape Analyses of Three Scenes in Qingming Shang He Tu (Scenes along the River during the Qingming Festival). Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  39. Chia-Yuan Chuo. Urban Soundscape: A case study along Taipei Dome. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  40. CHRISTIAN. A Preliminary Study on the Effects of Four Façade Systems on Solar Energy Related Issues and Indoor Thermal Comfort in Four Different Climates. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2018.
  41. An-Chi Tsai. Evaluation of the visual display quality in classrooms. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2017.
  42. Teguh – Nina Estrella. Dance studio for stress relief purpose with shadow effect design method. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2017.
  43. Yurike Japhar. Acoustic responses of visually impaired students for the circulation paths in school. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2017.
  44. Aaron Sutanto Putra. Sensory Space Design for Stress Reduction: Redesigning an Old Building Based on Questionnaire Responses. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2017.
  45. Yosua – Wiranata Tedja. Water Soundscape and Listening Impression. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2016.
  46. Made – Samantha Wiratha. Acoustic Comfort in Living Environment with Design Decisions for Dementia Care Unit. Master Thesis. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Department of Architecture. 2016.


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