Students of Prof. Juan Yi-Kai awarded at 2019年「BTSC第四屆京台青年創新創業大賽」

【Competition】: 2019年BTSC第四屆京台青年創新創業大賽 【Advisor】: 經濟部中小企業處、中部科學園區、社團法人中華創業育成協會 【Organizer】: 中華創業育成協會、​北京台資企業協會、北京創業孵育協會、​北京眾創空間聯盟、義守大學、大同大學、銘傳大學、淡江大學、中華大學、南臺科技大學 【Co-Organizer】: 遠見育成科技孵化器(北京)​、中關村會展與服務產業聯盟​、中關村創業大街、啟迪之星、創業公社 【About】 : 沿襲2018年度第三屆大賽的成功,2019年「第四屆京台青年創意創業大賽」(以下簡稱「本大賽」)將再度登場。此屆賽事為中華創業育成協會、北京台資企業協會、北京創業孵育協會等機構共同主辦,共同發起以北京和臺灣兩地青年為中心的創業大賽,為兩地創業及合作提供交流和資源支撐平臺。 本次大賽區分為「科技企業組」與「文創企業組」,科技企業組包括人工智能、大數據、雲計算、積體電路、物聯網、智慧製造、生技醫療、環保節能等;文創企業組包括遊戲電競、動漫IP、文創設計、休閒農業、體育產業等,此外為了鼓勵各校學生參與創業,除了兩大企業組別外另外加開「學生創業專場」(包含大學、碩博士),讓臺灣優秀新創企業與具創意的學生創業團隊一同赴京參賽與交流。 希望透過京台青年創意創業大賽徵集兩岸優秀的創業項目,為臺灣的創業青年提供同台競技的機會,選出晉級至北京總決賽的優秀項目並提供工商服務、智慧財產權申請保護、公司財務與稅務審計的協助、免費工位扶持、市場資源對接、人才與投融資媒合等全方位的扶持,助力兩岸創業青年邁向成功。 【Students】: 臺灣科技大學建築研究所 紀昊昀、潘建廷、王寶成、林芷柔、黃秀中 臺灣科技大學資訊工程研究所 王齊…

Students of Prof. Juan Yi-Kai awarded at 2019年「第十四屆戰國策全國創新創業競賽」

【Competition】: 2019第一屆大專生智慧生活科技競賽 【Advisor】: Small and Medium Enterprise Administration、Central Taiwan Science Park Administration、CBIA 【Organizer】: Tbia、FCU、CYUT、Taiwan Incubator、Formosa Incubator、For…

Students of Prof. Juan Yi-Kai shortlisted at 2018「第九屆國際創新創業競賽」

【Competition】: 2018「第九屆國際創新創業競賽」 【Advisor】: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium Enterprise Administration 【Organizer】:The Business…

Students of Prof. Juan Yi-Kai achieves silver in 2018 全國大專院校學生創意與創業競賽

【Competition】: 2018年「全國大專院校學生創意與創業競賽」 【Adviser】:教育部 【Organizer】:正修科技大學 【Co-organizer】:高雄市青年創業協會、中華民國創業就業教育育成協會 【About】: Encouraging creative thinking in students through practical applications. The competition…

Students passes both stages of U-start Plan for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

【Competition name】 : 2018 Ministry of Education 「U-start Plan for Innovation and Entrepreneurship」 【Organizer】 : Youth Development…

Students awarded and shortlisted in Golden Pin Concept Award under guidance of faculty members.

【Competition】: Golden Pin Concept Award 【Organization】: Taiwan Design Center (TDC) 【Website】: 【About】: Established in 1981,…

Students awarded in 2019 Taipei International Design Award under guidance of Associate Professor Chen, Yan-Ting.

The intensification of the climate warming has led to a sharp decrease in ice sheets in…

Students awarded IF Design Talent Award – Winner under guidance of Associate Professor Chen, Yan-Ting.

【Competition】: iF Design Talent Award 2019_02 【Organization】: iF Design Foundation, Germany 【About】: First awarded in 1953,…

Students Awarded at Architecture Master Prize 2019 under guidance of faculty members.

【Competition】: Architecture Master Prize 【Organization】: The Architecture MasterPrize was assembled by the Farmani Group, an organization…

Students awarded at CTBUH International Student Tall Building Design Competition under guidance of Associate Professor Chen, Yan-Ting.

【Competition】: CTBUH International Student Tall Building Design Competition 【Organization】: Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH) 【LINK】:…

Students Awarded at International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) under guidance of Associate Professor Chen, Yan-Ting.

【Competition】: International Design Excellence Award (IDEA) 【Organization】: Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) , Herndon, USA…

Students awarded Best of the best and Red Dot Award Winner under guidance of Associate Professor Chen, Yan-Ting.

Red Dot Award: Design Concept searches good designed inventions, novel concepts and ready-to-launch products that are…