Professor Kung-Jen Tu
- Ph.D., School of Architecture, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Research fields
- Designing for effective real estate operation and management
- Real estate operation and facility management (public housing, library, office, retail)
- Building energy management
- Open building
- Housing remodeling and industry research
- Graduate
- Real estate industry and case study
- Real estate financial analysis
- Professional Practice of Facility Management
- Facility Operation and Maintenance Management
- Open Building
- Quantitative Methods for Architecture
- Undergraduate:
- Architectural Design
- Site Planning
Professional Membership and Service
- Fellow, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors(since 2012)
- Secretary General, Taiwan Institute of Property Management (TIPM)(since 2010)
- Member, Asia FM Professional Group, Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors(since 2012)
- Editorial Advisory Board, Facilities (ISSN 0263-2772), Emerald(since 2010)
- Tu, K.J (2016). The BEEST-EB Energy Rating Method for Assessing the Energy Efficiency of Existing Buildings. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 30 (3), 04015035-1-11 (SCI).
- Tu, K.J (2015). Assessing the Energy Efficiencies of Individual Departments within Universities with the ‘DEA Energy Management System’: An Empirical Study. Facilities, 33 (11/12), 716-73.
- Tu, K.J and Huang, Y.W. (2013). Predicting the operation and maintenance costs of condominium properties in project planning phase: An artificial neural network approach. International Journal of Civil Engineering, 11 (4), 242-250 (SCI).
- Tu, K.J. and Wei, H.Y. (2013). Emerging trends and concepts of mass customization in the housing industry in Taiwan. In P. Piroozfar and F. T. Piller (Eds.), Mass-Customization & Personalization in Architecture and Construction. Routledge: Taylor & Francis Architecture, 141-153.
- Tu, K.J. and Lin, C.H. (2012). Benchmarking Energy Efficiency by ‘Space Type’: An energy management tool for individual departments within universities. Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, 11 (2), 299-306 (SCI).
Research Projects
- Facility management consultant, Tao-Yuan City Public Library Project(Transcend Engineering Consultants Co.;2016~2019)
- Facility management consultant, Tao-Yuan City Zhongli Public Housing Project(Sinotech Engineering Consultants / Taipei International Group;2016~2018)
- EU research project: Holistic and Optimized Life-cycle Integrated SupporT for Energy-Efficient building design and Construction(HOLISTEEC; Seventh Framework Program, European Commission)(2013~2017)
- Establishing a Development and Strategic Asset Management Model for Public Housing(MOST;2016~2017)
- Technical integration of building information modeling and facility management systems
and its application(MOST:2014~2016) - Open building implementation in extending the service life of existing apartment buildings (ABRI, 2014)