2022 WorldSkills Competition – 陳冠宇, 蔡榛祐, 傅文德

WorldSkills International (previously International Vocational Training Organization)has built a movement that is changing the lives of…

臺科大師生翻新教會樹屋 大小朋友安全築夢好享受


Prospective Undergraduate

Get started on your journey to a Bachelor of Architecture degree.

Prospective Graduate

Get started on your journal to a Master of Architecture degree.

Prospective Doctoral

Get started on your journey to a Doctor of Philosophy in Architecture degree.

Department of Architecture wired static IP

Our static IP are divided into 2 segments, one for undergraduates and another for research labs。…

Graduate Interview General Questions

Generic interview questions for reference.

Doctoral Interview General Questions

Generic interview questions for reference.

Administrative Faculty

Ms. Hsu, Tzu-Ling Department Affairs Tel: (02) 2737-6717 Office: RB-809B Email: adoffice@mail.ntust.edu.tw Ms. Lydia Lin, Fang-Ru…

Adjunct Faculty

In order to achieve the goal of modern architectural education in Taiwan society, the department ensures…

Former Chairs

1. Professor Lin, Tsao-Yin 1994.08.01 – 1995.01.31 2. Professor Perng, Yeng-Horng 1995.02.01 – 1998.07.31 3. Professor…

2022 Emergency Exit Design

2022 避難引導標誌 設計競圖大賽 即日起至2022年9月23日(五)17:00 前收件,歡迎各界好手踴躍參加! 競圖說明: 近年氣候變遷日益嚴重,台灣民眾的防災意識日漸增強,一個具有防災避難的韌性社區顯得格外重要。在社區中,一個好的避難引導標誌除了可以有效率的引導居民避難,也可透過結合社區及在地文化的方式,在平日間提供居民相關鄰里資訊,以及避難知識的傳達。 本次競圖的主要設計物件,為結合避難指引功能以及在地文化特色之「避難引導標誌」。此標誌預計使用之場域為台北市的學府里,設計上除了需要提供必要的資訊標示,如:方向指示標以及避難地圖光板。同時,亦希望設計能結合區域在地特色(詳細請參考參賽文件),參賽者也可思考引導標誌的使用情境以及在夜晚該如何保持清晰等需求。 競圖獎項: 首獎 1 名:獎金一萬元,獎狀一張 傑出獎 1 名:獎金五千元,獎狀一張 優秀獎…