2023 Orientation for Incoming Students and Guardians

2023 Orientation for Incoming Students and Guardians

Nomination for Dean candidates

NTUST College of Design Dean nominations (Deadline 5/29/2023)

111H Sumer Course Registration

111H Summer Design Course Registration Announcement

2023 Internship

2023 Internship

浩瀚學海、揚帆領航 -臺科大浩揚實驗大樓命名暨揭牌


Nomination for Dean candidates

National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, College of Design, seeks nominations for dean candidates. Per…


中時新聞網,https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20230302002532-260405?chdtv 中央社,https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ahel/202303020332.aspx 經濟日報,https://money.udn.com/money/story/7307/7005057 教育廣播電臺,https://www.ner.gov.tw/news/64001f0ec67f8a0008242054 中央社平台,不再紙上談兵!臺科大建築系實構築課程直接動手做 | 中央社訊息平台 (cna.com.tw) 波新聞,不再紙上談兵!臺科大建築系實構築課程直接動手做-波新聞-https://www.bo6s.com.tw YAHOO新聞,https://pse.is/4s695f PCHOME新聞,https://pse.is/4ppn5p 蕃新聞,https://n.yam.com/Article/20230302699727 HINET生活誌,https://times.hinet.net/picNews/24430810

2023 HURC Challenge

National Housing & Urban Regeneration center started the HURC Challenge in 2022, inviting creative youths to…

Position Vacancy

Position: Assistant Professor (Specialist) or above (Non-tenured) Vacancies: 1 Salary: in accordance with regulations Closing Date: 2023.02.28 Eligibility: One of…

2022 Building Construction

Building Construction Wooden structure is of considerable importance in building near-zero carbon emissions, and it is…

Research Grant: System Safety Association of Building Envelope in Taiwan

Dear students and faculty, This is to announce the research grant that supported by the System…

Open Lecture: Spatial Analysis for Sustainable Urban Development Research

We have invited Prof. Edwin H.W. Chan from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University for an open…