2023 Internship

2023 Internship

2021 Special Topics List

Preference list is due 12/10 by 5PM. If not handed in to the office before cutoff…

Remote Learning and Authorization Code

請mail至附件檔中課程所公告的聯絡信箱,信件內請註記:1.學校科系2.年級3.姓名4.學號5.電子郵件6.欲加簽課程名稱7.加簽原因。 (欲申請「建築與土地整體開發策略」授權碼請加註8.詳細學經歷附照片) 建築系遠距授課及授權碼發放事宜1 (1) 建築系辦公室 王怜華敬上

Internship Announcement


Summer Course Announcements

暑修設計課程登記公告   課程期間 暫定06月28日-08月03日(每周一至周五) 時間 暫定AM 9:10-PM 17:20 費用 8,955元 (995元教授鐘點費(以夜間計算)*0.5(學生鐘點數)*18(學期間課程周數)) 開放登記 5/4起-5/21止 條件限制 成績E以下(1-49分)或自行退選者不可登記暑修! 備註…

Dual Degree Program – U of Westminster

Application Deadline: March of each year. Personal Statement and Portfolio Required.

Students Guidelines

Chinese/ English student guidlines for new students

List of Courses Offered in English

This is a list of Courses Offered in English.

Course Information

Our curriculum is often adjusted to reflect the current and future industry needs, to provide students…


Here are some course information